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School Trips

At Harmony Hill Primary School, we believe that participating in a range of school trips provides a richer context to enhance learning opportunities. They also inspire connections in thinking across many subject areas, as well as promoting social skill development . You will always receive an email from from Eduspot (School Money) & ParentMail giving details of your child's school trip at least one week  in advance of its occurrence.  


Below are listed some important information about school trips:


  1. All children are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct (see below)
  2. Consent MUST be given for a child to attend a School Trip. This is obtained through your child's School Money account. A video, showing the process, is included below.
  3. Payment for a School Trip is also collected through your child's School Money Account.
  4. If you have any questions regarding school trips, please contact the School Office

Giving Consent on School Money

Uploaded by Harmony Hill PS on 2019-02-13.

Paying for a School Trip

Uploaded by Harmony Hill PS on 2019-02-13.
