In Key Stage 1 we continue to provide a stimulating and active learning experience that makes the very serious business of education as meaningful and as much fun as possible.
We encourage our children to work hard, be kind and enjoy their school life. We want all our children to be happy and feel successful.
Great importance is placed on a child’s social development. We value courtesy and good manners and the ability to work and play as part of a team. We encourage the children to have respect for their friends and their surroundings and to develop their personal management skills and independence.
The curriculum in Key Stage 1 is broad, balanced and rich. It is topic based and has been written to provide purpose and interest for our children, while at the same time establishing a secure understanding and mastery of the skills and knowledge that our children will need to achieve their full potential in future learning.
Our classrooms are well-equipped with an excellent range of learning resources. The day is structured to provide a balanced mix of academic, physical and creative experiences.