We are delighted to be in a position to be able to offer wraparound care from the beginning of the next academic year. We would strongly encourage parents who already have childcare arrangements in place, to continue with their existing providers.
We have now formed a partnership with ‘Sleepy Hollow Group’, a childcare provider who have many years of experience in providing wraparound care in many settings. From September 2020, Sleepy Hollow will also be facilitating our existing Breakfast Club, although this will run very similarly to the arrangements currently in place.
At this stage, all we need is completion of an ‘Expression of Interest’ form, which can be completed via this link. There is also a video on YouTube hosted by Sleepy Hollow, to explain the service they offer.
A meeting to provide full details and answer specific questions will be held on the evening of Thursday 28th May; further details will be issued nearer the time.